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TQi Expander and GPS Telemetry Module 2.0

Big Bore shocks (hard-anodized&Teflon-coated T6)

Stub axle carriers (2) aluminum 6061 (blue)

Aluminum Steering Bellcrank Rust/Bandit/Slash Blue

Steering blocks-l&r aluminum (red-anodized)

Stub axle carriers (2) aluminum 6061 (red)

Stub axle carriers (2) aluminum 6061 (Green)

Traxxas ProGraphix Body (Bandit)

Aluminum Steering Bellcranks Rust/Bandit/Slash Red

Big-bore shocks, hard anodized - long

Big-bore shocks, hard anodized - XX-long (rear)

Steering blocks-l&r aluminum (blue-anodized)

Tyres & Wheels on Mirror Chrome Rust/Stamp Rear

Body, Bandit, ProGraphix Req. Paint.

Steering blocks-l&r aluminum (Green-anodized)

Anaconda/BlackChrome 2.8 Rust/Stamp Rear

All-star 2.8" wheels, Chrome Electric Rear

Anaconda 2.2" Tyres&Wheels Black-Chrome (Rear)

Alias Tires Mounted on Chrome All-Star Rims, Rear

Anaconda 2.2" Tyres&Wheels assembled Chrome (Rear)

Alias ribbed 2.8" tyres&wheels AllStar chrome frnt

Alias Tyres&wheels, Black Chrome, Rustler Rear

Body bandit, clear

Shocks X-long hard anodized w/o springs (rear)

Caster blocks 30 degree Blue Aluminum (2)

Caster blocks 30 degree Red Aluminum (2)

Caster blocks 30 degree Green Aluminum (2)

Anaconda 2.2" Tyres&Wheels assmbl Blk-chrome front

Alias 2.2" Tyres&Wheels Tracer Black Chrome (Rear)

Shocks-long hard anodized w/o springs (front)

Alias 2.2" Tyres&Wheels assmb Tracer chrome (Rear)

Rubber tyres mounted on red wheelie bar wheels

X-Maxx Wheel Hex Hub (2) Blue anodized ally

Tyres and wheels Pre-mounted, Anaconda 2.2" tyres with inserts, Chrome Tracer wheels, (Bandit front) (2)

Tyres Pro-trax 2.15" street slicks rear (2)

Diff output yokes, hardened steel w/u-joints

Shock shafts titanium nitride coated (X-long)

Tyres Pro-trax 2.15" street slicks-front (2)

Ribbed 2.2" Tyres&wheels assembled chrome (front)