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Möwe 2 fishing boat

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In Stock at PerthRC.

Möwe 2 fishing boat

The Moewe (seagull) fishing boat is based on a typical North Sea cutter, and is an ideal all-wood model for the beginner to the hobby. It is also suitable for group work, e.g. as a school technology project. All parts are supplied die-cut or sawn to shape and virtually ready to fit; assembly is absolutely straightforward and can be completed in a very short time using only simple tools (scissors, drill, clothes pegs, screwdriver, pins and adhesive tape). The deck serves as a building jig: the bulkheads are erected on it and glued to the thin plywood hull sides.

If the boat is to be a working model we recommend sealing the wooden surfaces with our polycarbonate paint, which can be applied to the boat?s outer skin without preparation (no priming required).

Kit contents:

Comprehensive building instructions in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish, all wooden parts required to build the model, electric motor, propeller shaft and propeller, rudder and adhesive.

Length [mm] 
Width [mm] 
Height [mm]